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BTBウエストラップ#1 BTBヒップミル



How to

BTB Hipmill Forward / Outward

  1. Practice Outward Reel move ( onehand )
  2. Practice transfer BTB and front wall plane ( onehand )
  3. Practice the same transfer move under the other hand (without poi) which makes reel move
  4. Practice holding both poi. Begin with the poi BTB side, going under the front arm.

BTB Hipmill Backward / Inward

  1. Practice Inward Reel move ( onehand )
  2. Practice transfer BTB and front wall plane ( onehand )
  3. Practice the same transfer move under the other hand (without poi) which makes reel move
  4. Practice holding both poi. Begin with the poi Front side, going under the BTB arm.
